
What is SAAS Marketing?

Software-as-a-service (SAAS), is a popular booming industry. The competition in this evolving business is huge. Smart ideas, creativity, following and implementing latest trends and certain strategies can uplift your business without any churns. SAAS products are not tangible, so you need a different set of strategies to sell your product.

SAAS business paradigm alone is not successful and profitable, importantly they earn revenue from subscription fees.

SAAS products use digital space to promote, market and sell its services. They are promoted and marketed using digital channels like social media (Facebook, Instagram), SEO, etc. Data from 2018 - 2022 shows that, Companies functioning using SAAS products have increased from 51% to 78%. Pandemic Covid -19 contributed to the growth of these online platforms and customers also adjusted to the services offered by these softwares. It is believed that the SAAS market investments are estimated to increase by $141 billion in 2022. The tremendous progress in this industry led to huge competitions forcing the SAAS owners to revamp their selling methods. Businesses need to hone their marketing strategies to keep the customers subscribed to their services.

Criterias to research before implementing saas marketing strategies

Customer Persona

Customers form the central part of this business. They are the lifeline of this industry. The common SAAS customer will be B2B or B2C company. Get to know them, comprehend their needs and provide them with the solution that suits them.You can build your product based on the customer insights. It's very easy to get a new customer but keeping them subscribed and engaged is challenging. An easier way to get your ideal customer is by knowing their persona,outline of their demographics (their age , gender, income level, location and job title). Analyze the content your audience enjoys spending time online.

Once you get a clear insight about your target audience, then you can implement saas marketing strategies and engage the customers. There are many companies that tried this method and were successful.

SAAS churn is a term used for customers canceling the subscription. Churning is very dangerous for a SAAS business. The right marketing strategies can encourage long term customer retention.


There is immense competition for SAAS products online. The only way to beat the other competitors is to go beyond the curve. Build an outstanding business paradigm for your brand. It is vital and essential to create content which is interactive and engaging. In addition to it adding the relevant content aids in SEO marketing.


Pricing strategy is vital and do not feel coy to express your desired payment. To sell SAAS products tiered pricing (pricing is divided into segments to acquire different target audience). The pricing you are offering should be in detail and easy to comprehend. You can offer your customer to pay for a year full of service and provide them a month of free service. A month of free service is catchy for a customer to sign up for your service.


H2H - Human to Human marketing

β€œIt's not about brand building anymore. It's about becoming an icon in your industry, just like Nike. it's about being authentic and genuine, which is why Drift's principles are to put customers at the center of everything we do.”- Mark Kilens

You should know that this marketing strategy, though conventional, builds a strong trust with the customer. We live in a highly digitalized era were bots, artificial intelligence, and other forms of machine learning triumph. H2H is a strategy for a living breathing human to communicate with other brands and clients through personalized conversation. It brings connection to businesses that are often indifferent in the crowded and impersonal online space. This connection can be achieved by conversing through online chat platforms or any other conversing space(e-mail, live social media chats, answering queries). It tags along with people's emotions.

Be authentic but converse with what the customer wants to hear. Get to know your customer(their names, likes, and dislikes). Reflect your brand's humility with the tone of your voice. Be empathetic with the customer and know their needs.

Simplify your language. Avoid using bombastic jargon. Focus on building trust and good rapport with them. Be honest and humanize customer service.

Techniques to boost SAAS business

Business owners in the SAAS industry have to flood with ideas to be on par with the ever changing trend. Some of the most proven strategies to progress the performance of the business and keep the customers hooked to the software are:

  • ● Augment quality of Content Marketing

  • ● Work on your SEO(Search engine optimization)

  • ● Keep track of Review sites

  • ● PPC or paid search

  • ● Hype your software trials

  • ● Limit customer choice

  • ● Referrals

  • ● Email Marketing

Augment quality of Content Marketing

Content marketing is one of the popular and successful aspects of marketing your business. The business owner should focus on acquiring more traffic to their site. Create more informative and quality content to engage the customer. Add more explanatory/factual contents to aid in optimizing SEO. These can be Blog posts, videos, E-books, case studies, Free courses, and interactive quizzes. Freshdesk, a SaaS business software has vast segments of quality content.


Work On Your SEO

This marketing strategy is utilized to improve traffic on your website. SEO and content marketing strategies conjointly work together. Manage to bring your website to the top of search results by using SEO. The prime idea here is to bring more traffic to your website. Add lots of relevant valuable content that topically connects keywords. Content creation is the key to boosting this SEO strategy.

Invest in Paid Search or PPC

PPC(Pay per click) advertising or paid advertising is a marketing strategy to increase traffic to your website. You have to pay for each click on this paid site. Set aside some budget for this marketing. It aligns with the above two strategies (SEO and content marketing). You should pay for advertising each time it is clicked. Search engine advertising is one of the most popularized forms of PPC.


Customer Service Support

Engage the customers in a live chat so it will be easier for them to easily track what they are looking for. As soon as they click on your website, create an interacting pop up box to open which engages a customer in a conversation. Provide 24*7 customer support for any enquiries related to your SAAS product.


Limit Customer Choice

As a SAAS business owner you may want to provide ample choices to your customers, but stop, it is not a great idea. Come up with limited plans and packages so that the customer makes a choice that suits his needs. Example:


Hype Free Software Trials

Everybody enjoys something that is free. Most of the SAAS business websites offer free trials to the customers to experience their product features.Trials assist customers to analyze your product and how it is useful for them. You can build trust between you and the customer through free trials. Without it, the customer won't feel secure or comfortable using your product. Create hype about the free trial on the home page, blog posts, and other places. After the potential customer signs up for the trial check on them from time to time asking if they are enjoying the features or if they need help. This will get them familiarized with the product and know its value of it.

For example, Amazon Prime offers a free one-month trial to all the users who sign up for their services. Customers can enjoy watching shows free of cost for a month and further pay to avail of more services.


SAAS Email Marketing

E-mail marketing plays a pivotal role in communicating and marketing your products to the potential customer. It is one of the channels of business communication. It is roughly calculated that by the end of 2022 there will be 4.2 billion email users.

Personalized emails are a great way to build a relationship with a customer. An experienced researcher found out that birthday emails generate 342% higher revenue per email.

Subject lines are important for your email marketing business campaign's success. Keep it short for about 6-10 words (one-liner). Send relevant and engaging information.

Categorize your customers because everyone prefers to read relevant content based on their necessity.

SAAS marketing strategies work efficiently if implemented the right way. SAAS marketing strategies highlight acquiring customers and keeping them subscribed to their services. Focus on building brand awareness by using all the above-mentioned strategies. Confirm your product fit by offering free trials.


A survey was conducted on the people who trust online reviews. Based on the results, it was found that 91% of the people between the ages 18-34 years trust online customer reviews. Reviews also help you to know if your saas product is useful for the customers or not. Analyze the reviews and improve your product. Try to obtain many positive reviews of your SAAS product in reviewing sites. Saas product reviews are more convincing for a customer to avail your service.



Most of the users prefer to use the products based on recommendations from family and friends. So when you meet someone you have lots of other stuff to talk about than any SAAS product. To resolve that, you can give your customers discounts or give free gifts each time they recommend your product.

Clickbox Agency, a digital marketing company specializes in uplifting your business through their marketing expertise. If you need assistance to upgrade your business, kindly click on this website:

John Click

Digital Marketer | SEO Copywriter | Content Strategist

Experienced digital marketer with a proven track record in creating compelling content that not only engages audiences but also drives conversions and enhances SEO visibility. My expertise extends beyond marketing strategy to crafting persuasive narratives that resonate with your target audience. I combine data-driven strategies with captivating writing to deliver measurable results, ensuring your brand shines in the digital landscape.

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